Session 8
Thursday, June 29, 2006
A brand new podcast....Session 8!!!

Maybe this will hold your attention!

posted by em @ 2:03 AM,
I'm Back and Bitching!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Well, it took a lot of work (well...waiting), but I'm back.
Did I say how much I don't like rain? Apparently, DC was drowning, so my flight ended up being delayed like 5 hours, and being stuck at the Atlanta airport is just no fun. So, we arrived in 2:30 this morning. Of course the metro doesn't run at that hour, so everyone was in line for a cab. It was ridiculous! The line curved around the railing, around the kiosk, and back into the building. Luckily, they were piling people into cabs, so I only ended up waiting a little more than half an hour. Getting home near 4am when you were supposed to get in around 10:30 the previous night isn't too bad, right?
This week will be a little hectic trying to get back on task and catching up on work. But I will attempt to podcast...because I kinda missed it last week.
I just want to say thanks to all of you for leaving kind words and keeping my family in your thoughts. I really appreciate it. You all are a great bunch of women. I hope that you all are doing well!
LYLAS, TTFN, TTYL, HAGS (do you remember any more of those crazy things you would write in the yearbooks?)

posted by em @ 11:32 AM,
Not this week
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Sorry, everyone. I don't think I'll be able to post a new session this week. There has been a death in the family, and I'm getting on a plane in a few hours to head back home.
I've downloaded the new podcasts and music mixes to take with me. Those will at least lift my thanks.
posted by em @ 12:44 AM,
Monday, June 19, 2006
Well, I finally uploaded the pics from the Pride events. Here are just a few...

The dykes on bikes started the parade

Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather...I was hoping to see Miss Leather, but no such luck!

And the fabulous Royal Family!
posted by em @ 8:36 AM,
Session 7
Thursday, June 15, 2006
It's least in my neighborhood! Turned on the television in time to catch KT Tunstall on Leno. And Becky Hammon was on Wheel-of-Fortune, beating out two NBA players to help a lady win the game! What a great day. (haha) An all new Session 7 for the Kelkians.
posted by em @ 12:56 AM,
Suddenly I See...
Monday, June 12, 2006
KT! I got tired of looking at the razor when I came to the page, so I decided to post a couple of pics from the concert. The lovely KT Tunstall...dimples and all! ::sigh:: (ignore the tall people's heads)

posted by em @ 8:37 PM,
Session 6
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Recorded late last night and had a few difficulties with blogger. But Session 6 is up and running! Enjoy!
I finally found some childhood pics and got them scanned.

Yeah...I was a badass with my pink dress, cowboy boots, and a plastic tricycle!

posted by em @ 2:15 PM,
Session 5
Thursday, June 01, 2006
A brand new Session, just for you!!! Hope you enjoy it...
Click HERE to listen!

posted by em @ 7:20 AM,