Session 8
Thursday, June 29, 2006
A brand new podcast....Session 8!!!

Maybe this will hold your attention!

posted by em @ 2:03 AM,
25 Bowls of Rice:
- At 8:54 AM, shouted...
Si! That got my attention...and your podcast will get my attention too.
::downloading:: - At 10:35 AM, LBaller shouted...
The "Tears in Heaven" song was great. It was definitely a heartfelt song.
I like the smell of gas, which is dangerous. There are some more but I can't think of them now.
The playdo scent perfume is bananas. Why the hell would someone wanna smell like that?!?! I didn't like the scent as a kid. - At 12:08 PM, dutchie shouted...
I just listened to ur podcast and it was great again ;). Great music in it yet again. That tears in heaven song brought back some memories of my own. But that's a long story...but the song was great.
omg...eau de play-doh...that's just weird!! I'm certainly not going to buy that, cause I actually hated the "fresh out of the can" scent :S!
I actually like the smell of gasoline...yeah I know weird. But I can't help it :). Hmm, can't really think of another weird scent that I like right now. Btw thnx 4 the shout-out ;)! Looking forward to the next cast! - At 12:28 PM, shouted...
Omg! The intro song was awesome. I love that song! John Legend rocks.
You rocked tears in heaven. It was great!
I know i have some weird scents that i like but i can't think of them. But is it just me or when something smells bad you can't help but keep smelling it. ("Ewww.. *sniff, sniff* Ewww..") my sister and i do that all the time. We're weirdos.
I saw america's got talent with the guy snapping his fingers. That was so hilarious! i couldn't stop laughing.
I enjoy the nerdy stuff too. Going to museums and the like. You're not alone.
Glad that you're back. Have a good weekend! - At 1:53 PM, Hopelessly Tangled shouted...
awww Em this was a very touching podcast. You had me in tears. And then followed it up with great music and laughs.
I love the smell of cedar. Now I know that might not be so weird, alot of people like the smell of cedar. But the thing that is weird about it is that I think cedar smells like bananas. Not exactly like bananas but the smell of cedar makes me think of bananas. People say I'm crazy. I don't know maybe I was locked in a cedar lined closet and fed bananas when I was a little kid???
Anyway, thanks for the great cast and hope you have a great 4th of July. - At 3:07 PM, shouted...
Aahh...Tears in Heaven. That song almost made me cry the first time I heard it. You rocked the guitar there. I'm still trying to learn it. Wanna teach me?
Where do you find guitar tabs and stuff, btw? Or do you figure it out yourself?
Thanks for playing Fields of Gold. That was awesome! :)
Oh, and I can't think of any strange smells that I like. But I do like the smell of gasoline, and hate the smell of fresh cut grass. Hee hee. Oh, and I hate the smell of playdoh. Ew. - At 7:47 PM, shouted...
Em, thank you for sharing, thank you for your beautiful voice and lovely tribute...
as others said...brought me to tears and then laughs when you mentioned the playdoh scent...and us on SKYPE.
~Minnie - At 11:31 PM, em shouted...
lballer: first read, i thought u said that the play-doh scent smells like bananas!
dutchie: thanks for commenting again! try to think of some more scents.
abs: yeah...or if it smells bad, you tell someone else to smell it! and if you think something tastes bad, you tell someone else to taste it!
hopelessly tangled: hmmm...cedar=bananas? i guess. haha
addie: i'd love to teach you! (although i don't really know how to play, don't know proper techniques, well...just don't know anything!) i usually find tabs at
minnie: i'm glad u liked it. ::hugs:: back atchya!
devon: thanks for letting me use your song!
hope everyone is doing well! try to think of some other scents u enjoy...(even if not weird)
i like fresh laundry and new books - At 3:35 AM, s:onthego shouted...
omg i just found out you have a new podcast...::::downloading::::
- At 3:47 AM, shouted...
Hey!! taaaank you very much for the song, bled white is one of my favourites!!!
:___) - At 3:55 AM, loula shouted...
I don't think i've commented before..loved the cast, i like hearing your covers
i always liked the smell of play-doh, but that perfume thing weirds me out- i'm allergic to perfume so that may be a part of it
i have always loved the smell of old books..libraries and bookstores..god i'm a nerd :) - At 8:47 AM, shouted...
I just thought of a weird smell that I like.
It is the smell of a newspaper production room...well, at least there was this particular smell of chemicals and ink before everything went digital. - At 10:12 AM, Hopelessly Tangled shouted...
minnie- that reminds me of the purple ink they use to use when they copied the papers at school. If it was fresh enough it would make you high. haha
- At 11:48 AM, LBaller shouted...
the new CaliLove cast is up
- At 9:53 AM, em shouted...
s:onthego: hope u like it!
evaini: you're welcome. thanks for introducing me to elliott smith.
loula: i like new books, old books kinda creep me out. well, maybe it's the library that creeps me out. probably some traumatic childhood event (like crazy librarians and flying books) ;)
minnie: never experienced that smell..but good one!
ht: sniffin a little too much...huh? haha
lballer: the cast is downloaded and shall be heard!
i got a new phone book yesterday...and i was in scent heaven! hehe
have a great day, everyone! - At 10:23 AM, shouted...
"don't really know how to play"?!
oy vey, em!
you know how to play!!
ps: i'll be in DC labor day weekend. ;) j/k. haha. - At 5:49 PM, heinzer shouted...
Em, oh Em... that Tears in Heaven was AWESOME! I loved it. Makes me really wish I brought my guitar with me. I loved this session... it helped keep me entertained during my insomniatic <-- (is that a word) episode last night.
Holy Devon! Now I'm not gonna send you my stuff cause it doesn't even come close. - At 8:18 AM, shouted...
gday em...excellent podcast...thanks for the shoutout :)...going off to listen to 3.4.5,6......
- At 9:18 AM, shouted...
now that i am all caught up with your podcasts here are a few questions.... have you ever sent a email/letter you wished you had never sent....
how long have you been playing guitar...
what is your favourite cookie/biscuit...
do you have a cuddly toy that you have kept from when you were little.....have a great week...Ag - At 10:46 PM, em shouted...
addie: you're coming to dc?! that's so cool! will u be checking out any concerts? (dunno who'll be here)
heinzer: we'd loooove to hear your music!
jodi: yes! crayons! and the beach! wishing i was at the beach....but not with crayons.
aussie girl: thanks for the questions! i'll answer them on the next podcast.
exam is over, tomorrow's the 4th, good times! have a great one! - At 11:14 PM, Vicky aka mngg shouted...
Loved the cast, thanks for sharing so much. And you rocked the socks off Tears in Heaven , was pulling at my heart strings.
I too love the smell of hospitals/laytex!!
Other fav smells include:
- limes, seriously one day i nearly bought one just to carry it round and smell it!
- The blossom tree at the side of my house, some mornings as soon as I leave the house I smell it, good way to start the day!
- freshly popped popcorn, I'm a whizz at making my own from scratch!!
- freshly baked bread...yum!!
Oh and I was on that Skype call to, remember the googling?....was should come on again some time!!!
Later chica,
~Vic - At 12:13 PM, shouted...
Em, Happy Fourth to You!
- At 11:20 PM, Vicky aka mngg shouted...
Chillax cast #7 is up!! :)
- At 4:37 PM, wonga shouted...
Tears in heaven, I remember my mom crying and mentioning that Eric Clapton wrote that song for his son.
Some weird smells that I like...I guess the only one I could think of right now is nail polish remover, I forget the name.
Loved the songs you put on the cast once again =D. - At 6:43 PM, shouted...
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it »