...play it!


I made it to my new home in Arizona....about 2 weeks ago. I shipped my belongings, packed my car to the rim, and drove from DC. It took about 3.5 days of driving, but I arrived in one piece.

There were a few stops along the way...including Nashville, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, and Albuquerque. I'll have to say that New Mexico was the best part of my drive...it was just soooo beautiful! I wish I had more time to stop at more sites, but I had to get here to start my orientations. I arrived to my new apartment on Thursday, unloaded the car, unpacked a few things, bought some furniture, etc., etc. I ended up getting sick on that Saturday...I guess I was tired...and probably dehydrated. It's freakin hot here!

Orientations began that Monday. Met a fellow lesbian in the class. My parents arrived that evening. More orientations during the week. And I received my white coat...which was pretty exciting.

Classes began last Monday. It wasn't too bad since it's just starting. Plus, we spent Wednesday - Friday on a field trip! Who would have thought I'd be on a field trip in medical school! haha We went to Montezuma's Castle (which was disappointing since it was so deteriorated), a new clinic site in Flagstaff, and the Grand Canyon. We didn't have much time at the canyon, but it was so beautiful. I'm definitely going back there. And we drove through Sedona....which is beautiful as well.

Now it's time to jump into the hard stuff. We have plenty of readings to keep us busy through the weekend. Just decided to take a break and add a new posting. Plus...everyone loves pictures! So here are a few from my travels. Enjoy!!!

Left: Beale Street - Memphis, TN
Right: Got my kicks, on Route 66!

Left: Driving through New Mexico
Right: Arizona

Left: Montezuma's Castle
Right: Grand Canyon

posted by em @ 8:33 PM,

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