Session 5
Thursday, June 01, 2006
A brand new Session, just for you!!! Hope you enjoy it...
Click HERE to listen!

posted by em @ 7:20 AM,
32 Bowls of Rice:
- At 7:56 AM, Chazza shouted...
Now dl but I need to know is there Em n her guitar on this podcast cause otherwise I wish not to listen... heheh Yeah right I would listen anyway! Thanx for letting me know so I can listen tonite.
Ur awesome... find those baby pics! - At 8:10 AM, green shouted...
ha! nice choice for opening song ;)
i'll be back for more commenting.
you've been warned!
xxx - At 9:42 AM, Kai shouted...
I'm way behind on these... not sure what happened (I don't have you on my BlogRolling?! WTF? Hence, i've missed this). So, I'm starting over and starting with Session 5.
So far, sounds great! - At 9:44 AM, heinzer shouted...
Sweet! Downloading...
- At 10:27 AM, Chazza shouted...
Em great podcast!! The music was awesome and ur stories were awesome and hilarious as usual.
Those laws?? WTF? I was pissing myself, and the one about a woman driver I was like run that fucker over! lol then u said it and I just laughed. ahh Brilliant.
Brothel? thatz a wicked name for a house but I can't believe u lived with 9 other chicks in one house and with only 2 bathrooms. Damn!
Ur soo damn awesome on that guitar and u have an absolutely awesome voice. Please keep us the singing itz sooo great!
Try n find some baby photos, bonus points if ur playing an instrument too. hehehe.
Ur brilliant, great podcast big aussie hugs for u! :) - At 10:29 AM, Chazza shouted...
*Please keep up the singing* is what a normal person would have said
- At 11:24 AM, shouted...
Based on Chazza's comments, I'm sure to enjoy this...not that I thought for one moment that I wouldn't... - At 11:44 AM, Hopelessly Tangled shouted...
Crap I have to go to work. I'll listen as soon as I get home. 6 1/2 hours and counting down. I'll be back to comment.
- At 11:45 AM, green shouted...
no oral sex in tennessee??!!
THAT is why i left!!
lovely podcast, em -- as usual :)
i, too, will admit to being a michelle branch fan. she wrote her own shit!! that's very important to me. plus, um, she was way cute!
loved your cover -- do you take requests?
my grandmother has an 8-track player in her rec room that we always play at christmas. specifically 'raindrops keep falling on my head'. drives the grown-ups crazy :D i'm not a grown-up, by the way.
xxx - At 12:50 PM, em shouted...
melissa, queen wendipher, heinzer, hopelessly tangled: hope you enjoy it!
kai: no worries...they're all working, i think.
chazza: great minds think alike! thanks for checking it out. i found a couple of pics...just need to find a scanner.
minnie: thanks for coming by. you're the bestest!
green: thanks! i would looove requests. it might take me a while to learn it if i don't have it already. but if i can't figure it out, i'll play the original version.
everyone: e-mail or comment for REQUESTS!
Hope you're having a great day! - At 2:41 PM, LBaller shouted...
I just started listening. Gotta tell, I sing Bone Thugs every first of the month!! Be back to comment further.
- At 3:32 PM, LBaller shouted...
Very funny!! My twin turns into the incredible hulk when someone's chewing loudly. He HATES that!! He calls it munchitis or something like that.
I actually did jump into a crowd of African tourists once. I did it mostly off a dare, but I was also curious. I pulled it off too, which made it even funnier.
The looking through your box was really funny. The Sanrio gifts are hilarious. I always got peanuts memorbilia.
My mom had an 8 track, but I think she finally got rid of it. Thank God!! - At 4:43 PM, amy shouted...
great cast em . . . loved it and i good a hole bunch of ant tits *want to hear more songs from you*
???using a lasso to catch a fish??? me confused . . . funny stuff
canĀ“t wait to the next session - At 4:53 PM, shouted...
Loved the opening song...
Oh, yeah, 8-track tape players & tapes. Brings back memories.
I think one of the best inventions of the 20th Century was the remote control. I can't live without one now.
But, when I was growing up, we had to get up and change the channel & adjust the volume. You had to say "Dibs on that seat" if you got out of your chair to do this.
Oh, goodie, you're singing a Michelle Branch song. "Tell me that you're happy now..."
Say, do you know any Joan Armatrading songs? I'd love it if you would play Willow on a future EMcast. - At 6:49 PM, em shouted...
lballer: i think i'd prefer peanuts
amy: i'm confused as well. but never question anything/anyone from the south!
minnie: i'll turn the place upside down to find the remote...even if i'm standing right in front of the tv and could change it ::gasp:: by hand!
joan armatrading...never heard of her, but i'll check it out! - At 8:27 PM, shouted...
Ah, you rocked, as always! :)
*raises hand* I'm a pack rat too!!
Just curious, did you ever make those stars out of strips of paper?
Oh, do you know how to play any of Eva Cassidy's songs? - At 9:29 PM, shouted...
Awesome cast! You rocked the guitar as always!
Those laws were so funny!
Organic chem, my worst subject ever. I took that class twice and barely passed the 2nd time around. I have a molecular structure model set too. What a waste of money!
People chewing loudly or making ugly sounds when they eat is one of my pet peeves! makes me wanna kick 'em in the face!
Keep up the singing and guitar playing! Can't wait til next week! Have a great weekend! - At 1:11 AM, heinzer shouted...
I will admit... I liked Michelle Branch, too. Her first CD, Spirit Room, was actually the first CD I owned. I didn't start to really appreciate music until a late age, 13 ::gasp::, but now I can't live without it.
Aaanywaaays, as I have said many times before... love the music and the stories/whatever.
5 stars for em!! - At 1:46 AM, faintofhearts shouted...
finally had time to listen. that old tv... yea i actually think i would have chose not to watch. i'm that lazy.
hey nothing wrong with liking michelle branch. and as always awesome job with her song.
ok those laws are a tad ridiculous and oh so hilarious.
oh gosh. i'm going to grow up to be just like you. the professional student because i haven't a clue as to what i am going to do. there's too much to decide.
i loved all the music you used. - At 10:44 AM, LBaller shouted...
the new CaliLove cast is up!!
- At 2:17 PM, em shouted...
adeline: never made the stars. i was never good at all that folding and origami friends said i wasn't a true asian. =( i love eva cassidy. did she write any original stuff?
abs: total waste of money. i used it once during the final, and i still got the question wrong!
heinzer: never too late to appreciate music! thanks! are those sticker stars? i love stickers!
faint: yea for indecisiveness! i actually have some plans, just don't want to reveal them just in case they all fall through! hehe
lballer: listening right now
jodi: glad to see you made it back to the states safely! hope you're having fun!
happy friday!!!! - At 2:52 PM, Vicky aka mngg shouted...
Hey radio bud!! We'd sooo rock that time slot!! we could do a Nic Harcourt on it and have live bands, plus gig reviews etc...
And your cast was great as usual...pls keep playing your guitar!! :) - At 3:48 PM, Hopelessly Tangled shouted...
Em that was so funny. I so love your podcasts. Sorry I didn't come back yesterday to comment on your cast, I got caught up in the womens softball championship games. 4 games back to back with rain delays and extra innings. It was so awesome.
I can't believe some of those laws. Too funny. I'm sure when we are older we will look back at some of the laws we have now and think the same thing.
I hate the heat too. It's been really hot and humid here too. I would must rather be cold then hot.
Anyway, keep up the great work and keep on singing. - At 12:50 AM, heinzer shouted...
Of course they're stickers... only the best for you!
- At 8:54 AM, em shouted...
vicky: yeah, we'd rock! i'll ask kt tunstall to perform for us. hehe
hopelessly tangled: maybe like this amendment they're trying to pass. how stupid is the senate?!?! i'm so pissed!
heinzer: awww...thanks!
have a lovely saturday, everyone! - At 11:32 AM, shouted...
Oh no! You're not a true Asian if you can't do origami!! =D
I don't know if Eva Cassidy wrote original stuff, but I love her version of Fields of Gold. :) - At 2:53 PM, wonga shouted...
Aww, I liked Michelle Branch too. You did a wonderful job singing again ;).
I guess I'm not a true asian either cause I can't do origami if I tried and my sisters like to point that out every single time.
Once again, you played great songs and awesome cast! - At 10:10 PM, seymour shouted...
I've listened to the last few casts and I gotta tell ya....I love em. Keep singin and playin!
Oh, and Eva Cassidy never put out any of her own stuff, and I'm with minnie on you working up a Joan Armatrading tune. - At 10:26 PM, em shouted...
adeline: sadness for not being asian...not really. i love ya!
wonga: we fake asians stick together! thanks for listening!
melissa: hell yeah to the f*cking cute michelle branch! too bad she's a baby's momma now. (i'd still hit it! hehe)
seymour: welcome! i hope you keep listening. and i'm working on it...check back next week, and we shall see!
love you all!!!! - At 7:39 AM, oct-libra shouted...
NEW SISTAcast up for SUNDAY.
- At 9:10 PM, em shouted...
thanks to kelka, i now have a board on the forum! stop by and say hello
- At 7:00 AM, Vicky aka mngg shouted...
New Chillax Cast up!