Session 6
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Recorded late last night and had a few difficulties with blogger. But Session 6 is up and running! Enjoy!
I finally found some childhood pics and got them scanned.

Yeah...I was a badass with my pink dress, cowboy boots, and a plastic tricycle!

posted by em @ 2:15 PM,
24 Bowls of Rice:
- At 5:03 PM, amy shouted...
yeah downloading
- At 6:57 PM, Hopelessly Tangled shouted...
Oh EM You sounded so sad. I'm sorry you had a bad week. I'm sending you an internet hug right now. I know what it's like to have family so far away and not be able to go see them when ever you want. My family is split up into 7 states. It's hard.
I'm so jealous that you're going to see KT Tunstall. I missed her when she came to my city. I want full details about it if you please.
I hope things get better for you. Keep up the great cast and singing.
p.s I'm right handed - At 11:50 PM, faintofhearts shouted...
this was one of my favorites. all the music you used and played yourself was great. i sang along to all of it in my car. the picture had me confused at first but then when i listened it made me laugh. can't wait to hear about the concert.
- At 12:28 AM, heinzer shouted...
Oooh, I just got done listening. I agree with faint... this was one of my favorites, too. Two thumbs up the music choices!
Hope you have fun at the KT concert. I haven't been to a concert in forever. It's really sad. I love live music.
And I'm a righty, too :) - At 9:27 AM, magnolia shouted...
snow patrol.....yeeaaahhhh ;-) and as i promised: i'm left handed ;-)
have a good day. - At 10:21 AM, em shouted...
thanks for listening, everyone! the kt concert was awesome, and i had a lot of fun. more details in the next podcast.
amy: hope you enjoy it!
hopeless: i think i was just really tired when i recorded, so i just sound pretty bad. but hugs are always welcome! thanks
faint: glad you liked the music...i always encourage singing along...anytime, anywhere!
mel: welcome, and thank you!
heinzer: i encourage you to definitely go to some concerts this's the best thing in the world to feel that energy!
jodi: yes, yes...kt is lovely! and those dimples! ummm, ummm, ummm
magnolia: hope you have a great day, too!
happy friday everyone! - At 10:33 AM, shouted...
I'm listening right now...and oh, thank you soooo much for the Joan Armatrading song, The Weakness in Me.
You just learned it? You sang it great...and I was singing along for a bit to. That's another one of my favorites by her.
Your pronounced Joan's last name correctly as far as I know.
Thanks too for mentioning Maggie/El Gato kitty.
Left-handed but I use the mouse right-handed.
Sorry to hear your week was difficult...
Your podcast was just what I needed for my Friday morning.
Love, Minnie xxoo - At 10:34 AM, shouted...
meant to type "too" not "to" in comment above...I don't feel like deleting and typing over...
- At 11:05 AM, shouted...
Aww, that was short, but still good nonetheless. And two songs! How awesome of you. Love your "You Were Meant for Me"!
I'm sorry that you've had a bad week. Hopefully it'll pick up soon and the rest of June will be a-o-kay. And hey, you got to see KT, so don't complain. =D
Oh yeah, I'm right handed. - At 2:04 PM, Jenny shouted...
i was getting ready to go out last night and put on your podcast and loved it.
great song selections. i was singing along to "weakness in me" and i couldn't believe you just learnt it. - At 3:54 PM, em shouted...
minnie: thanks
adeline: no complaints today...the show was great...wish you could see her!
jodi: i'm sure you still looked hot! hehe
jenny: thanks for listening! - At 4:42 PM, amy shouted...
that was a awesome cast . . . loved all the music *incubus rocks* and hearing you sing
. . . two times . . . totally made my day
hope you are felling better and i love your baby pics, you little cutie - At 6:53 PM, shouted...
dimples. *swoon*
and those are cute pictures! hee... =D - At 7:54 PM, shouted...
That was awesome! 2 songs in one cast, what a treat!
Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time right now. Hope everything turns out well.
Btw, I'm right handed but when I was younger I could write with both hands. Weird.
Love the baby pictures!
Take it easy and have a rad weekend! - At 8:06 PM, Chazza shouted...
Em I love u! hehehe. Chicks on guitars rock and the fact that ur voice is beautiful just makes me love u more if thatz possible.
Thank you for singing two songs I loved every second of it.
And lastly, AWWWWW!! ur a gorgeous lil thang, i'm loving the tricycle pic... too cute - At 10:14 PM, shouted...
Em, oh too cute! Thanks for posting some baby pictures. Cowboy boots, cool!
- At 11:34 PM, em shouted...
amy: thanks for listening
abs: that is weird, but cool at the same time!
chazza: i lurv u too.
hehe...i'm glad u all like the little em pics - At 2:06 AM, LBaller shouted...
Very cute pics!!!!
- At 1:59 PM, heinzer shouted...
Aaawww... two tiny em's. Hehe I almost called you addy. Woops!
- At 10:19 PM, Vicky aka mngg shouted...
awww the pics are soooo cute!!!
oh and my chillax music playlist is up!!
:) - At 10:53 AM, LBaller shouted...
the new CaliLove cast is up
- At 7:30 AM, wonga shouted...
Wow, I'm fashionably late as usual. You singing twice in one session was a great was awesome =).
And I am a righty, but my mom would say otherwise. I wrote with my left hand once and my mom said it was better than my right, but it was still pretty bad handwriting. Yikes!
Oh wow. You and you're brother are very crafty. I always wanted a basketball net, but I've never thought of doing that...
Your baby pics are soooo cute =). - At 6:29 PM, seymour shouted...
You did a great job on the Joan Armatrading tune. And you worked it up in only a week? The Jewel number was also wonderful.
Hey, how about a Patty Griffin song (you did ask for requests)?
Keep the music comin' - At 1:00 PM, PeanutButterWolf shouted...
i second patty griffin.
aren't you the cutest thing. i'm not sure if i'm going to post baby pictures. everyone's baby pics are too cute.