Transitioning from 2007 to 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
A (very) Belated Happy New Year!!!
It's hard to believe that we've already made it through a month in the year 2008! Time seems to fly by.
Prior to Christmas, I was fortunate enough to attend an amazing concert! Ingrid Michaelson opened the show...she was pretty good! Then Brandi Carlile came on stage. The Indigo Girls performed with Brandi Carlile. And KT Tunstall closed it out. It was an awesome show. Worth staying up after a long day of exams! haha
Christmas was spent with the family....and relaxing (if you can believe that!). Although I was fearing family drama, it was pretty tame this year. However, I did cause somewhat of a stir before I left home. I finally came out to my mother! She took it kinda well. But there was a period of time when she didn't call me. Luckily, I have a very supportive and loving aunt who was willing to talk some sense into my mother. So things are going well now, but we haven't discussed my relationships. It was just a great relief to finally let them know.
I spent New Year's in DC with great friends and the lady. It was a low-key know....drinking at a friend's house and passing out there instead of driving while intoxicated. We were being responsible ;-)
It was back to school after that. And back to the same old rigorous studying. But it's fun.
I've been giving mini-performances for friends and colleagues. But nothing like performing at an open mic. I was hoping to, but it's hard to find time to prepare and perform. So, this will have to suffice.
Currently, I'm listening to Sia's new album, "Some People Have Real Problems". It's excellent! I'm hoping to get Sarah Betten's new album soon.
Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's celebration! (although it's kinda late) Superbowl's this weekend in AZ! Should be fun! (too bad I can't get tickets....and that I don't really like football) But it gives us all a reason to drink and act crazy. So have fun!!!

posted by em @ 11:57 PM,