Session 4
Thursday, May 25, 2006
An all new session of the podcast! Click HERE to listen!

Leave some comments or e-mail me some questions!
posted by em @ 5:17 PM,
Session 3
Thursday, May 18, 2006
It's Thursday! So, I've got a new podcast for you! Check it out...
Click HERE to listen.

posted by em @ 3:58 PM,
Session 2
Friday, May 12, 2006
Here's the new podcast! I had a hellofa time loading it with the slow you better enjoy it!! hehe Have a good one!
Click HERE to listen
posted by em @ 6:23 PM,
Check back tomorrow
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I was hoping to get a podcast up today, but I had a hetero day! Really...I had to run some errands, meet up with some folks, and spend time with the bro. He offered to buy food and drinks...and who can say no to drinks?! So, I just got home...but the folks are here. No chance of recording anything. Check back tomorrow, and I'll try to have something up!
posted by em @ 11:52 PM,
Friday, May 05, 2006

Now Playing: "Leaving On A Jet Plane" ~Chantal Kreviazuk (<-- Click the song to play!)
(such a beautiful woman!)
Album: this version is from the Armageddon soundtrack
So, I'm heading down to Atlanta for 12 days. (Leaving on a jet plane...but I know when I'll be back again.) It's going to be so boring since most of the people have moved away or actually have real jobs. But it'll give me time to see the family and rest up. (And I have an El Presidente & the First Lady podcast to keep me entertained!)
The really crappy thing is that my parents still have dial-up! I think I'll die! Maybe I'll head over to the library or a local wifi spot to check up on the blogs and the forum. I'll also try to post another "show" when I get the chance. I'm thinking Thursday since I posted the last one on a Thursday. Just check back! And behave! =)
posted by em @ 11:33 PM,
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I turned in my last paper today, so the semester has officially ended! Now I have some time on my hands (for a short while) to just take a break. I decided to record some audio and mess around with some music. So check it out!
Click HERE to listen!
posted by em @ 6:00 PM,
Naps & Coffee
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Now Playing: "Turn Back Time" ~Aqua
If only I could turn back time...I wouldn't have done some of the shit I did in the past (for an example, read below)! But I live with no regrets. I only learn from the past!
Album: Aquarium
Click HERE to listen!
The band is no longer. But you may remember them for that oh-so-awesome song "Barbie Girl"...
I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
...that's deep!
It's all winding down. I just need to finish these last two papers and turn them in tomorrow and thursday (both are 15-20 pages). Last night was our presentation...I think it went well. However, everyone went over the allotted times, and we ended up staying an extra 2 hours! At least I don't have class today. I'm getting ready to head out somewhere to get some work done. I'll probably head over to Adams Morgan.
Because of all the work I've had to do, I've been living off of naps and coffee. I haven't had more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep this whole week. And coffee has become a necessity. As soon as it's all over, I'm just going to sleeeeeeepp. Maybe the bags under my eyes will go away.
But I'm proud of myself. I didn't give in to the calls of nicotine this year. Years past have found me puffing on those nasty sticks during finals. I guess it would be very wrong for someone studying public health to be doing so. And, honestly, cigarettes disgust me now! I can't believe I smoked for so long!
As a treat, I may put up an audio blog...maybe
posted by em @ 7:57 AM,