Friday, May 05, 2006

Now Playing: "Leaving On A Jet Plane" ~Chantal Kreviazuk (<-- Click the song to play!)
(such a beautiful woman!)
Album: this version is from the Armageddon soundtrack
So, I'm heading down to Atlanta for 12 days. (Leaving on a jet plane...but I know when I'll be back again.) It's going to be so boring since most of the people have moved away or actually have real jobs. But it'll give me time to see the family and rest up. (And I have an El Presidente & the First Lady podcast to keep me entertained!)
The really crappy thing is that my parents still have dial-up! I think I'll die! Maybe I'll head over to the library or a local wifi spot to check up on the blogs and the forum. I'll also try to post another "show" when I get the chance. I'm thinking Thursday since I posted the last one on a Thursday. Just check back! And behave! =)
posted by em @ 11:33 PM,
12 Bowls of Rice:
- At 1:04 PM, wonga shouted...
Armageddon was such a sad movie. And holy shoot, dial-up? I remember that thing and it was soo slow. Enjoy your stay in Atlanta!
- At 2:51 PM, em shouted...
thanks wonga!
i'm actually stealing a wireless connection from my neighbors at the moment. (shhhh) hopefully, they won't catch on before i leave....i need to get my blog/forum fix each day! - At 3:56 PM, wonga shouted...
Ooh, very sneaky, hope they don't catch you and deprive you from your fixes cause I know I have to check 'em practically every day. I can't help it.
- At 8:30 PM, shouted...
Hey, if they didn't secure it, then it's really their fault, isn't it? =D
- At 8:33 PM, em shouted...
haha...adeline, it sure is!
it's not like I tried to connect. my laptop automatically picked up the signal and signed on! hehe
thanks for checking in, ladies. i hope you're well and having a great day! - At 9:01 PM, Julia! shouted...
Fun fact: lesbian Jews are not welcome in the South. Ever.
However, I am bowing to you because you are Asian. - At 7:50 PM, em shouted...
young julia!
you march snare?! that's totally hot! i wanted to do snare or the pit (since i had done well w/ xylophones and such...and most of the guys didn't give me the chance to show my drumming skills), but the folks weren't very supportive. they wanted me to do the asian thing............math.
lesbian jews not welcome in the south? hmmm....maybe that's why my women's studies prof got fired! i'm kidding...she sucked as a teacher. i'll have to look into this claim. - At 11:59 PM, JCinDC shouted...
EM- don't forget my chicken biscuit and sweet tea from Chik-fil-A! Hugs!
- At 4:57 PM, Julia! shouted...
hell yes I march snare. it is my life! for real! I even march drumcorps. my parents wanted me to do the straight thing and play any instrument besides one you carry on your big man-shoulders (which oh do I have, for real).
- At 8:33 PM, shouted...
How's your break in Atlanta so far?
I might go there with some of my friends for the Memorial Day weekend. Anything that we MUST see? Aside from spending an entire day in the IKEA store? =D (Why is there not one in Florida? Ugh!) - At 4:23 PM, shouted...
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- At 11:33 AM, shouted...
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