Session 4
Thursday, May 25, 2006
An all new session of the podcast! Click HERE to listen!

Leave some comments or e-mail me some questions!
posted by em @ 5:17 PM,
29 Bowls of Rice:
- At 5:40 PM, oct-libra shouted...
thanks for the heads up...its downloading now.
- At 6:22 PM, heinzer shouted...
YAY new cast... slowly downloading.
- At 6:26 PM, heinzer shouted...
that doesn't really sound right. i should have said it's downloading slowly cause my computer is friggin slooow.
- At 6:27 PM, amy shouted...
great session . . . i love your singing voice so much and you hit those high notes pretty good
i am not to crazy about all the techno an all that stuff even tho we have some good dj over here and not to forget the love parade . . . you probably would enjoy that one
he he scissor sisters . . . there are some weird names out there for that position *don’t like there music at all tho* - At 7:33 PM, heinzer shouted...
just a few things now that i'm done listening:
i LOVE! vertical horizon. so i was very happy when you played their song.
david hasselhoff freaks me out. when i saw him crying on AI is was like 'what the...'
awesome performance... as usual. i like that song.
oh, and im glad you liked my suggestion. - At 10:09 PM, shouted...
YES! I am so happy that you sang a Brandi Carlile song. =D
- At 10:13 PM, shouted...
Em, I'm listening right now. I love your podcast. Great song for KELKA. OK, I'm still listening...LOL, Meatloaf? Yeah, whassup with Meatloaf?
- At 10:46 PM, shouted...
Making tortillas!
too funny, Em.
Now, I'm not sure if you know but I'm going to the [Hispanic last Name] reunion this week, and by golly, I may be making tortillas...the flour kind.
;-) - At 1:43 AM, oct-libra shouted...
OMG my brother wants to use TECHNO music at his wedding reception and he dubbed it the FREESTYLE EXPLOSION, so when i first heard the cast i started laughing about it.
i love that VERTICAL HORIZON song, and it was very fitting for KELKA.
That song Bliss was awesome i have to check out Alice Peacock now.
Great Performance again, i have 2 guitars and i really want to learn how to play but i just don't, i don't know why either.
and you ended with SCISSOR SISTERS...i really like them, i first heard of them when one of their songs was used on a show i worked on.
TTFN - At 6:45 AM, Chazza shouted...
Ok this is soooo freekin weird... I just listened to Penelope and Gigi and they did a Brandi Carlile song too, they analysed whether or not she was gay sooo that was just hilarious that ur date asked if she was gay cause apparently it looks like the masters of analysis (the Texas ladies) also believe she is.
Ok now onto the cast... Thanx for the shoutout n comments on my blog too.
Thank you for gracing us with ur guitar skills and voice cause u know that I think ur freekin awesome and that was once again proved by todays cast! And like Amy said u can hit those high notes very well. Keep up the singin n playin on the cast PLEASE!!!
I hate techno music but I love house music which is kinda similar I guess but not as trancy... I dunno how to explain it. lol House music gets u in the mood to go dancing.
I almost spat everywhere when u started describing the 'scissor' position... hilarious!
Em ur rockin and I love the music u feature cause therez a lot of stuff I haven't heard that I really like.
Also I have a question for ya bout guitars (which u don't have to answer on the podcast), being a beginner what kinda acoustic guitar would u recommend I buy? Size etc?? Therez one I want off ebay but I want it just cause itz the colour purple! hehe
Awesome podcast, keep it up... I'd love to hear u sing some Alicia Keys or John Legend but thatz just for me. Big Aussie hugs
Peace out! - At 8:24 AM, green shouted...
can't wait to listen today!!
ha! i'm not 5 days late this time!!
xx - At 9:58 AM, em shouted...
thanks for listening everyone!
minnie: have fun at the reunion (making tortillas)!
oct: techno at a wedding? um, wtf?!
chazza: yeah, i nearly pissed my pants when i started listening to the cocktail cast. (i'll get back to you on the guitar question)
Happy Friday, everyone! (or Saturday on the other side of the world) - At 9:59 AM, LBaller shouted...
I loved it. You play artists I haven't heard so i'm learning something as well. I liked the story about your mom too, which you reenacted with an accent.
- At 10:39 AM, green shouted...
great show!
loved your stories. and the song for kc and elka was perfect!
very nice cover of brandi's song!
and thank you so much for the breakdown of the scissor position ;p
i'm wrapping my fuzzy w/ a big red bow as we speak...
xxx - At 1:21 PM, faintofhearts shouted...
i miss techno. i have some stuff downloaded but my brother laughs at me when i put it on.
loved the song for kc and elka.
i just love all the music you have on here. i'm glad to see someone else who is a concert buff and loves going to shows. that's all i do. you're awesome - At 1:28 PM, wonga shouted...
Vertical Horizon is awesome and I'm so jealous that you got to see Gavin DeGraw. The scissor position part was just too funny.
- At 1:52 PM, green shouted...
em! i couldn't stop laughing at the scissor position synonyms! fucking hilarious!
i really love your show. i love the cover songs. i am looking forward to more sessions.
raves: many a sweaty hug from many a cute girl. they ARE so DAMN friendly! (and i had forgotten how much fun techno music was...) outdoor raves at night in the desert, ohsomanymemories. my rave clothes are still buried in my closet, but yes i have some.
am i the only one who hasn't been to amsterdam? i need to put that on my destination list.
keep up the great work!
~slo - At 10:28 PM, Vicky aka mngg shouted...
EM - Props for playing Filthy Gorgeous, I luuurve The Scissor Sisters, I've seen them twice in 2 years!! And Filthy Gorgeous is like the gay anthem over here, seriously, people go mental in clubs when it comes on!!!
:) - At 11:00 PM, LBaller shouted...
New CaliLove cast is up!!!
- At 11:48 PM, Chazza shouted...
Another artist that has done a cover of the song Hallelujah is Jeff Buckley, thatz the first version I heard. I love that song
- At 12:07 AM, Hopelessly Tangled shouted...
Just found your podcast today and I listened to the first one and was hooked. I've now listened to all of them and I must say they are great. I really love your music selection. You should so be a DJ. I also really love when you sing and play the guitar, you have a great voice. I grew up listening to my dad and grandpa sing and play guitar and to this day there's just nothing like that sound. I've tried to play myself but I think my hands are too small. Anyway keep up the great work.
- At 8:50 AM, em shouted...
good morning everyone!
lballer: nice podcast with the twin! i find that i have a harder time with the korean accent. i'm actually better at indian, southern, and ghetto ones.
green: you're one classy honey kissy huggy lovey dovey ghetto princess
faint: forget your brother, and play the techno! hehe
wonga: check out gavin..he rocks the piano
sloganx: yeah...friendly, sweaty girls. never went to one outdoors, but that sounds hella fun!
vicky: my pleasure to play the anthem!
chazza: will check out that version
hopelessly tangled: wow! welcome! and thanks for listening!
[i've woken up waaaay too early for a saturday!]
hope everyone has a great day! - At 10:58 AM, Chazza shouted...
Em- u can do a curry accent?? Thatz awesome! Ur my new best friend. lol U would fit in with my friends n I very well.
Def. check out the jeff buckley version, that was the one that was feat. on The OC which is where I found it. - At 12:39 AM, oct-libra shouted...
SLOANE listened to your cast today and before she even knew about what i wrote she said..."we totally have to tell EM about the FREESTYLE EXPLOSION" i said i already did. she also liked your song.
i wanted to PIMP out the WRAP PARTYcast - At 10:00 AM, em shouted...
chazza: checked out the jeff buckley version...nice.
melissa: ok..i'll start playing crappy music. hehe..just kiiiding. darn about bc!
jodi: is just cool. and thanks!
oct: awesome wrap party!
i woke up dreading another monday tomorrow but quickly realized it will be memorial day! yay for holidays!
(man...i need to wake up to better thoughts) - At 12:26 PM, LBaller shouted...
Em, if you get a chance stop by my blog and answer the poll from the CaliLove cast
- At 4:45 PM, Vicky aka mngg shouted...
FYI new Chillax Cast just up!! :)
- At 8:55 AM, em shouted...
back to reality.
at least there are plenty of podcasts to enjoy! - At 8:25 AM, Chazza shouted...
Another podcast to add to ur playlist... Aussie Cast no. 4!!