Session 3
Thursday, May 18, 2006
It's Thursday! So, I've got a new podcast for you! Check it out...
Click HERE to listen.

posted by em @ 3:58 PM,
19 Bowls of Rice:
- At 4:50 PM, LBaller shouted...
Ok, I'm cool now. Great music. I especially liked you singing Lisa Loeb. - At 11:23 PM, oct-libra shouted...
how come no one gets excited at being the second post...i will
it downloaded and i will listen right now. - At 11:58 PM, faintofhearts shouted...
that's so cool you are going to the kt tunstall show. concerts are the best way to have fun.
sorry about the wisdom teeth. i had them out in sixth grade and i think i had the worst experience ever.
lisa. haha they talked about her on umm VH1 sometime. and i laughed hysterically. and i think i know what show you are talking about or well i think i saw a promo for it.
that's the end of my comment. great podcast. and sorry i don't the creative ability to suggest a name for you. - At 12:51 AM, oct-libra shouted...
i love Lisa Loeb, her show is called # 1 single on E!...she got set up by people on awful dates in search of a potential husband...i never watched it though.
you are probably the best guitar/ singer that i have ever heard...please continue.
i love your choice in music it is awesome. - At 7:31 AM, Chazza shouted...
Hey Em thanx for the shoutout, glad u liked my podcast! I love urz n missed u rockin out on the guitar n singin today but hopefully we'll hear from u agian.
U are more than welcome to come down to aussie land n i'll be ur tour guide... all u gotta do is teach me how to play guitar! lol Great podcast. - At 10:36 AM, em shouted...
thanks for listening everyone!
ahh...that's what the show was about...thanks oct-libra!
chazza...i'm on the next plane...with guitar in tow!
have a wonderful day, ladies! - At 12:04 PM, shouted...
Another awesome podcast! i can't get enough of the guitar playing. you inspire me to pick up the guitar and play again. i'm not as good as you though.
you're so lucky you get to see KT. she stopped by san diego a couple of weeks ago but i missed it and had no one to go with. my friends don't really like the music i listen to. =(
Bowling is sooo fun especially drunk bowling!
Have a great weekend!! - At 12:16 PM, shouted...
I was wondering why you had a picture of a monk in your post. Now I know. LOL.
Once again, you rocked that guitar like no other! *bows*
Mental note: plan a road trip to DC - At 3:41 PM, heinzer shouted...
Another great podcast. Gave me something to listen to on my little trip to Midland (BOOO) yesterday. It was so boring. I hate that town.
Anyways, I'm glad you like my picture. I like it too :D!
I like that Hey Kids song you played. I'm like obsessed with Tegan and Sara right now so that was cool. And I loved your Lisa Loeb song. Awesomeness! - At 4:35 PM, MC shouted...
keep on singing. and podcasting
oh, and Mr. Rogers nude? 'scuse me whilst I puke.
Price Tuesday was known for stripping though. I think he was a puppet sex stunt double in Team America:World Police. - At 6:58 PM, wonga shouted...
It's so impossible for me to come up with a cool name for your podcast, I suck at those things. So sorry.
I'll be looking forward to your next session...I really can't wait to hear what you will be singing! - At 8:07 AM, shouted...
Em, I'm behind on podcasts but I promise to listen to yours this evening after I'm done with attending another day of my conference. Then I'll come back and comment.
Have a great Saturday! - At 11:47 PM, shouted...
Hi, Em!
Yeah, I watched some of Lisa Loeb's reality show on E! called No. 1 Single.
Ya know, I thought she might be gay but after watching that show, I had to change my mind. I found her official .com web site and also her site on
I love to hear you sing! Keep podcasting and singing, por favor.
Just call it EMcast. - At 8:58 AM, em shouted...
Happy Sunday, everyone! Again, the weather in DC is fantabulous. This means another day outdoors! Still need to finish up a little reading for tomorrow's class. Hope you all have a good one!
- At 5:42 PM, amy shouted...
wow . . . i just stumbled over your podcast and had to listen to all 3 of them, you are awesome . . . and loved the music you played
you play the guitar pretty good and you have such a nice singing voice it just touched my heart . . . *man i need to get on my guitar again* . . . would love to jam session with ya ;)
thx for introducing me to all that music . . . we are kind of left behind over here - At 12:39 AM, oct-libra shouted...
PIMPIN' the new SISTAcast, if you don't mind.
- At 10:06 AM, em shouted...
everyone must check out the sistacast! these ladies are just great!
- At 9:03 AM, green shouted...
i just love your podcast! so relaxing -- even when you play sleater kinney...
my friend and i replayed your version of 'stay' 3 times during our roadrip!
fantastic music choices. i'm so glad you're podcasting!!
xxx - At 2:51 PM, shouted...
hey em. i really like your podcast. thanks for the david usher song with tegan. sorry i am so slow to respond, but i just found your cast. guess it took me a while to get on the planet forum. i also enjoy your songs on the show.