Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
H - A - double L - O - W - double E - N spells Halloween!
It's a song
That's how I learned how to spell Halloween
Be Safe
Don't eat too much candy (whatever)
Remember to brush your teeth (I hope you do this anyway)
Don't steal candy from little kiddies (unless they're asking for it)
Have a Happy Halloween!!!

(I think he ate too much candy)
posted by em @ 10:25 AM,
Friday, October 27, 2006
So I'm sitting in the library, yet again, to do some work. This place has become my home away from home...away from home...
The funny thing about this library is that there aren't many books! What is a library without books?! I think computers outnumber books in the place. (But I have yet to venture into the basement and upperest level...see I need books...I think 'upperest' is a word...at least it should be!)
Whatever happened to the card catalogs? It was the most painstaking, excruciating way to find books according to the Dewey Decimal system. (And if you're interested in what those numbers actually mean, check out this page.) Now, everything is computerized. I hardly crack a book! Most of my readings are online. Journals are now published online. I guess it's kind of nice to save trees, but we're sacrificing our sight to do so!

And what about those people who get their Masters in Library Sciences? They no longer have to learn the card catalog system and how to re-shelve books. (I know..they hire minions to do that). Now they have to learn all about computers. That could be a good thing, but I think they're being deprived and becoming lazy. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you reading this right now don't even know what a card catalog is! (see picture above)
Oh well...back to reading on computer. But I shall leave you with a famous (former)librarian...our very own, First Lady Laura Bush.

Now, if she were my librarian, I'd live in the library!

posted by em @ 11:33 AM,
Session 15
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Back with all new covers! Check out Session 15 in the MusiCast Sessions page!

posted by em @ 1:49 PM,
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I really liked the haircut I received not too long ago. But the hair grew out, so I decided it was time to go in for a trim. I went back to the same salon because I was satisfied with the new do. Unfortunately, the young woman who cut my hair the last time was busy with another customer. I just decided to go to another woman who was available since I was strapped for time. Mistake.
The lady ended up cutting the back really short and straight across. So now I think I look like a dude...not really...but I don't really like the haircut. Luckily, my hair grows crazy-fast...so it "should" be ok by the time I head back to Tennessee for a homecoming/reunion. ::Crossing my fingers::
Lesson learned: When going to the salon, leave enough time to wait and ask for the little Chinese woman who actually knows how to cut my hair.
Tip of the day: Don't forget to tip your shampooist! They work hard for the money. And you know you like those head massages...so give back!
Hope you all had a wonderful Columbus Day!!!

posted by em @ 2:31 PM,
Session 14
Thursday, October 05, 2006
What?! Two weeks in a row?! I know!!! It's amazing.
I recorded a little podcast with some more music. Check out the MusiCast Sessions page and enjoy!

posted by em @ 1:19 PM,
Monday, October 02, 2006
My gosh! Can this man stay out of trouble with the law?!?! It all started with a romp in a public restroom...now look where it's gone. George Michael was found asleep behind the wheel of his car. And this was the third time! He seriously needs to get that checked out. (Or he could just stop using drugs.)
I remember seeing him on Oprah...not too long ago, I think...saying he's changed, trying to come back, and committed. I guess celebrities will say just about anything to get attention. Of course, he was promoting a new album at the time. It's kind of sad to see people fall back on their words.
I only bring this up because the story was shown on all the news broadcasts this morning. Is the personal life of a 'celebrity' that important?!?! People are dying, starving, and doing good. Isn't that what news is supposed to be about? I guess the world is just too immersed in entertainment 'news'. ::sigh::
Oh yeah! I was helping my gf pack up her stuff this weekend and came across her collection of cassette tapes. (For you youngin's...it's a rectangular piece of plastic that encases a strip of magnetic tape that can hold recordings of sounds. You place it into a 'cassette player' and the music magically sounds. And amazingly, it can play different sounds when place on the 'A' or 'B' side!) She just happened to have a George Michael tape...along with Paula Abdul, Wham, Whitney Houston, and Bobby Brown. I was hoping to find some New Kids on the Block, MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, and Kris Kross...but no such luck!
Happy Monday to you all! Pump up 'Faith' and have a great one!

posted by em @ 11:00 AM,