Monday, October 02, 2006
My gosh! Can this man stay out of trouble with the law?!?! It all started with a romp in a public look where it's gone. George Michael was found asleep behind the wheel of his car. And this was the third time! He seriously needs to get that checked out. (Or he could just stop using drugs.)
I remember seeing him on Oprah...not too long ago, I think...saying he's changed, trying to come back, and committed. I guess celebrities will say just about anything to get attention. Of course, he was promoting a new album at the time. It's kind of sad to see people fall back on their words.
I only bring this up because the story was shown on all the news broadcasts this morning. Is the personal life of a 'celebrity' that important?!?! People are dying, starving, and doing good. Isn't that what news is supposed to be about? I guess the world is just too immersed in entertainment 'news'. ::sigh::
Oh yeah! I was helping my gf pack up her stuff this weekend and came across her collection of cassette tapes. (For you youngin''s a rectangular piece of plastic that encases a strip of magnetic tape that can hold recordings of sounds. You place it into a 'cassette player' and the music magically sounds. And amazingly, it can play different sounds when place on the 'A' or 'B' side!) She just happened to have a George Michael tape...along with Paula Abdul, Wham, Whitney Houston, and Bobby Brown. I was hoping to find some New Kids on the Block, MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, and Kris Kross...but no such luck!
Happy Monday to you all! Pump up 'Faith' and have a great one!

posted by em @ 11:00 AM,
2 Bowls of Rice:
- At 10:38 AM, shouted...
gday em...sigh ...yes I heard he was in trouble again too..not a fan though...have a great Wednesday :)..hope your feeling better...Ag
- At 6:26 PM, shouted...
I heard about George Michael this week too. Drug addiction can be so hard. But yeah, why do we pay so much attention to celebrities when other news is more important?