Friday, October 27, 2006
So I'm sitting in the library, yet again, to do some work. This place has become my home away from home...away from home...
The funny thing about this library is that there aren't many books! What is a library without books?! I think computers outnumber books in the place. (But I have yet to venture into the basement and upperest level...see I need books...I think 'upperest' is a least it should be!)
Whatever happened to the card catalogs? It was the most painstaking, excruciating way to find books according to the Dewey Decimal system. (And if you're interested in what those numbers actually mean, check out this page.) Now, everything is computerized. I hardly crack a book! Most of my readings are online. Journals are now published online. I guess it's kind of nice to save trees, but we're sacrificing our sight to do so!

And what about those people who get their Masters in Library Sciences? They no longer have to learn the card catalog system and how to re-shelve books. (I know..they hire minions to do that). Now they have to learn all about computers. That could be a good thing, but I think they're being deprived and becoming lazy. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you reading this right now don't even know what a card catalog is! (see picture above)
Oh well...back to reading on computer. But I shall leave you with a famous (former)librarian...our very own, First Lady Laura Bush.

Now, if she were my librarian, I'd live in the library!

posted by em @ 11:33 AM,
3 Bowls of Rice:
- At 9:48 AM, seymour shouted...
- wouldn't be alone living in the library if SHE were the librarian!
- At 10:01 PM, shouted...
i second that! just dropping by to say i hope you had a great weekend.
- At 1:17 PM, dutchie shouted...
I third that :D! I'd totally be living in the library if AJ was a librarian there, no doubt about that! Hope you're having a good week Em :).