Looking forward to dinner...sorta
Sunday, April 30, 2006
So, I've been up for a few hours...working on the South African commercial sex workers paper. Presentation is on Monday, but we'll be fine. I'm thinking fish nets and a micro-mini...just to add a little sumthin' sumthin' to the show.
I noticed that the blue room cast was up, so I was listening to it while working. They's be some funny chicas! Loving all these podcasts.
Dinner tonight is at my Mental Health prof's house. Not really looking forward to seeing him. But the girl will be there...the one I wrote about in a previous post. I saw her on Friday at the library. Everyone's working their asses off with all these papers. So, my partner and I were there until like 9pm....on a Friday....pathetic. Anyway...she was there. So cute! Too bad she's graduating this semester. ::sigh:: I'll have to ask her if she's planning to stay in DC for work.
Here's something a little different...
Now Playing: "Standing In the Way of Control" ~The Gossip
Awesome, totally rocking song! I first heard them on KEXP...the only radio I listen to lately....and was blown away.
Album: Standing In The Way of Control
Website: http://www.gossipyouth.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/gossipband
Click HERE to listen

posted by em @ 10:47 AM,
Smiles and Giggles
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Today, I remembered something that happened when all the friends were here. They wanted me to play some new songs that I learned, so I strummed out and sang KT Tunstall's "Other Side of the World". I went around the room asking if anyone had heard of her. My uber feminist friend says, "I think I've heard of her. Isn't she gay?" My first thought was ::panic:: "she's figured me out!" After I stumbled over some umms, I finally said, "Maybe. I don't know." ::phew:: Then I went back to playing some other song. When my mind started to settle, I remembered Texas A&M's analysis of the song. It brought a smile to my face.
Another smile came about today after my least favorite class. The prof was leaving the room so we could fill out the class evaluations (where we get to rip apart the course and the incompetent prof). Before she left, I wanted to blurt out, "C U Next Tuesday." Alas, class is on Wednesday, and it would have been weird. But it sure brought a smile to my face thinking about it! I believe the prof is a lesbian (again, I have no gay sense), so I was afraid that she may have heard the phrase used by the famous JMeg. Maybe I should have asked her if she knew Bette and Tina.
Now Playing: "Other Side of the World" ~KT Tunstall
(see above for the reason I posted this one)
Album: Eye to the Telescope
Website: http://www.kttunstall.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/kttunstall
Click HERE to listen

teeheehee...rainbow overalls!
posted by em @ 9:50 PM,
Room full of ladies
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I was captivated today. We had final group presentations today in one of the courses, so everyone was dressed nicely and looking good. One woman in particular was looking mighty nice today. I've always thought she was cute. She also has a cute accent since she's from Nepal. But today, she was looking really good. She had this button-down shirt that fit nicely, dark pants, and a nice belt (I love good belts). Man, I have no idea what she was saying, but she sure did look good saying it!
It's not that there's a lack of beautiful women in my program. My class, which entered in the fall, is over 80% female! I know! I finally come out to myself and fall into a sea of gorgeousness. I'm lucky but unlucky. I get to work with some beautiful ladies, but I'm sure most of them are straight. And I don't really know how to tell if someone else is gay (no mullets and flannel floating around...and it's not like I go for that type...but no offense if you do). ::sigh::
A pointless post, but I was just looking for a reason to get away from my paper! Now that I can't think of anything else to write in the blog, I must return to writing about Guinea Worm disease. I leave you with a nice visual. Enjoy!

posted by em @ 11:53 PM,
Perfect Song

I was listening to the JMeg podcast last night and thought of a perfect song. This is in regards to what JC and Kai(?) went through with the girls who were not admitting anything or just in denial. A perfect song to tell them to step up, or you're outta there! Just replace "boy" with "girl" =)
If it doesn't work...check out their myspace page.
Now Playing: "Won't Wait Around" ~Keeley Valentino and Stan Sonu
Album: The Mechanics of Leaving
Website: http://www.keeleyvalentino.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/keeleyandstan
Click HERE to listen
We all went to the same college. They have a show coming up at CBGB on May 29th (Memorial Day). I'm hoping to get up there to catch it. Get a copy of the album...it's great!
posted by em @ 11:46 AM,
Oh, weekend...where have you gone?
Monday, April 24, 2006

Now Playing: "Fall Apart Again" ~Brandi Carlile
She has such an amazing voice! I listen to her cd every day, and it amazes me each time. (And I think she's gay, but don't quote me on that!)
This song reminds me of how good my friends are and that I can always turn to them!
Album: Brandi Carlile
Website: http://www.brandicarlile.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/brandicarlileband/
Click HERE to listen
The weekend turned out to be great! I had 7 people sleeping in my studio, but it was fun! The bachelorette party turned out well, except for the rain. It was filled with sharing memories, eating food, drinking alcohol, playing games, shopping at Georgetown, and partying at Dupont.
We accomplished our mission of getting the bride-to-be piss-ass drunk! She showed off her mad skills by projectile vomiting out the window of the cab! She didn't even leave a drop in the cab, but the damn man made us pay like 35 bucks (although the trip was only a few of miles) for a "car wash". I had even wiped off some of the vomit from the car (yeah, I know I'm a good friend...haha). I should have told her to vomit in the damn car. But, oh well. We all had fun, so it's ok.
The last guest left at 5:00 this morning, so I was up by 4:30. This week is going to be hell! I was writing a paper all day, had class in the evening, had a meeting afterwards, and didn't get home until 10p.m. Presentation is tomorrow on the mental health of Southeast Asia region. We should be fine. Paper and a final on Thursday. (So wishing it was still the weekend)
Instead of getting my work done, I'm listening to podcasts as I write my blog. Yeah, I know. I'll be up all night. But a girl needs a break once in a while!
posted by em @ 11:42 PM,
Friday, April 21, 2006
It's gonna be a weekend of craziness! Another one of the college roomies is getting married, so we have to celebrate her last days as a free woman!
The place has been cleaned and readied for the friends to come stay. I think I've hidden all signs of gayness...mostly the L Word and Saving Face DVDs. Do I need to hide the Tegan and Sara cds? I doubt the friends know who they are. It's not like their music is gay. I think the computer will be ok....it's mostly links to blogs and stuff. I doubt they'll poke through all that.
So, there will be 6 or 7 people staying in my little studio apartment. Yeah, not a pretty picture. But everyone was too busy to book a hotel! Oh well...it'll be fun. I hope they enjoy what I've prepared and planned. It was all last-minute and stuff since I've been really busy with school and all. But whatever! We can just get drunk and not care. I better be careful while intoxicated. Something almost slipped out of my mouth last weekend. It kind of sucks to not be able to tell them, but I don't think I'm ready. Only one of the friends knows, but she supports my decision to keep it under wraps for now.
So, I'm finishing the last touches to my presentation, and then I'm off to pick them up!
posted by em @ 6:40 PM,
The First
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Ok...so I'm finally giving in and joining the blog world. I've enjoyed reading/hearing all the blogs, and I've posted some comments, so I thought it was time to get one up myself. There's not much to talk about.
I like how Texas A&M (or Penelope and Rusty) introduce us to new music. Maybe I'll post some of my favorites once in a while. Maybe it'll just be about random shit. Maybe I'll use this blog as a place to type out some of the stuff I learn in my studies. That way, I can waste more time but pretend like I'm studying!
For example...I'm supposed to be writing a paper right now. The topic is on the spread of HIV/AIDS and other STDs among commercial sex workers in South African mining communities and the lack of healthcare services for them. [In truth, I'm doing research on the whole CSW thing just in case all these career ideas don't work out for me ::wink, wink::]
I hope this works!
Now Playing: "The First" ~Tegan and Sara (thought it would be appropriate)
Album: This Business of Art
Website: http://www.teganandsara.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/teganandsara
Click HERE to listen
posted by em @ 11:55 PM,