Smiles and Giggles
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Today, I remembered something that happened when all the friends were here. They wanted me to play some new songs that I learned, so I strummed out and sang KT Tunstall's "Other Side of the World". I went around the room asking if anyone had heard of her. My uber feminist friend says, "I think I've heard of her. Isn't she gay?" My first thought was ::panic:: "she's figured me out!" After I stumbled over some umms, I finally said, "Maybe. I don't know." ::phew:: Then I went back to playing some other song. When my mind started to settle, I remembered Texas A&M's analysis of the song. It brought a smile to my face.
Another smile came about today after my least favorite class. The prof was leaving the room so we could fill out the class evaluations (where we get to rip apart the course and the incompetent prof). Before she left, I wanted to blurt out, "C U Next Tuesday." Alas, class is on Wednesday, and it would have been weird. But it sure brought a smile to my face thinking about it! I believe the prof is a lesbian (again, I have no gay sense), so I was afraid that she may have heard the phrase used by the famous JMeg. Maybe I should have asked her if she knew Bette and Tina.
Now Playing: "Other Side of the World" ~KT Tunstall
(see above for the reason I posted this one)
Album: Eye to the Telescope
Click HERE to listen

teeheehee...rainbow overalls!
posted by em @ 9:50 PM,