Oh, weekend...where have you gone?
Monday, April 24, 2006

Now Playing: "Fall Apart Again" ~Brandi Carlile
She has such an amazing voice! I listen to her cd every day, and it amazes me each time. (And I think she's gay, but don't quote me on that!)
This song reminds me of how good my friends are and that I can always turn to them!
Album: Brandi Carlile
Website: http://www.brandicarlile.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/brandicarlileband/
Click HERE to listen
The weekend turned out to be great! I had 7 people sleeping in my studio, but it was fun! The bachelorette party turned out well, except for the rain. It was filled with sharing memories, eating food, drinking alcohol, playing games, shopping at Georgetown, and partying at Dupont.
We accomplished our mission of getting the bride-to-be piss-ass drunk! She showed off her mad skills by projectile vomiting out the window of the cab! She didn't even leave a drop in the cab, but the damn man made us pay like 35 bucks (although the trip was only a few of miles) for a "car wash". I had even wiped off some of the vomit from the car (yeah, I know I'm a good friend...haha). I should have told her to vomit in the damn car. But, oh well. We all had fun, so it's ok.
The last guest left at 5:00 this morning, so I was up by 4:30. This week is going to be hell! I was writing a paper all day, had class in the evening, had a meeting afterwards, and didn't get home until 10p.m. Presentation is tomorrow on the mental health of Southeast Asia region. We should be fine. Paper and a final on Thursday. (So wishing it was still the weekend)
Instead of getting my work done, I'm listening to podcasts as I write my blog. Yeah, I know. I'll be up all night. But a girl needs a break once in a while!
posted by em @ 11:42 PM,