Happy Holidays
Sunday, December 24, 2006
It's been a while. I'm back in ATL visiting the family and taking a much-needed break.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Hanukkah and that you have a very Merry Christmas!

posted by em @ 6:22 PM,
She's Thinking About It
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
So it seems that Hillary Clinton is thinking about running for president in '08. (http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/12/05/clinton.2008.ap/index.html) It's not much of a surprise. People have been expecting her to run for years. It should be really interesting to see what happens. It seems like that people in the US either hate her or love her. I want to see what you all think....poll time!
If Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee in the 2008 election, would you vote for her?
a)Yes...of course! I'd love to see First Man Bill at the White House again.
b)Hell NO!
c)Depends...If Ross Perot is running, I'm going with him!
d)Who gives a sh*t?!
e)Republicans Rule!!! <--shame on you if you choose this option!
f)I don't vote <--you should!
Happy week to you all!

Now that's more presidential -->>

posted by em @ 11:13 AM,