Session 13
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Session 13 is up and running! Check out the MusiCast Sessions page to listen!

posted by em @ 1:07 PM,
New York
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Well, I'm feeling a little better. Thanks for all the get well wishes! It still seems like I'm trying to cough up my lung, but the medication has helped a little. The official word (about whether or not I'm dying...or need to get tests done) is supposed to arrive on Thursday. Nonetheless, I'm going to New York on Friday!!! Nothing's gonna stop me from going!
I've only been to New York once...for a I don't know much of what to do while there. I want to check out a lesbian bar but not too sure about which one to go to. Do you have any suggestions? Maybe somewhere that's kinda laid-back, chill, has some dancing (not for me)? Let me know!
Hope everyone has a great week!

posted by em @ 8:48 AM,
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Sick off my ass.
Having lung issues.
Feeling tired.
Gloomy weather.
No new podcast.
So sorry.
Have a good weekend.

posted by em @ 6:23 PM,
Session 12
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Check out the new session of the MusiCast! It's in the MusiCast Sessions tab...duh!

posted by em @ 3:00 PM,
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Our mate Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, has passed away from an attack by a sting ray. Let us have a moment of silence....
No matter how crazy or stupid we thought this guy was, he had an admirable passion for his work. If only all of us could enjoy what we do as much as he did, the world would be a happy place.
May he rest in peace.

posted by em @ 11:08 AM,