Too Distraught to Podcast
Thursday, August 24, 2006
My world has been turned upside-down! I don't know what to do! All that I have learned and what I believed has been stripped away! You may ask, "em, what's the problem?" Well, I'll tell you. Astronomers have decided that Pluto no longer deserves to be called a "planet"! Rather, they want to categorize it as a "dwarf planet". Why...oh why?!?! (CNN Article)
Now, this just screws up everything. We learned in elementary school that there are nine planets in our solar system. With this new classification of "dwarf planets" will we now have to learn a whole new set of planets? I had a hard time learning the original nine...what am I to do if they add more?! This all has been weighing on my mind all day (not really). And I've been too distraught to podcast (truthfully...I couldn't think of much to say and didn't have enough time to record). Therefore, a new podcast will have to come at a later time (possibly next week). Blame the astronomers!
Oh...and a quote from the article:
"It could be argued that we are creating an umbrella called 'planet' under which the dwarf planets exist," she said, drawing laughter by waving a stuffed Pluto of Walt Disney fame beneath a real umbrella.
Silly astronomers...trix are for kids!
P.S. Anyone use a mnemonic device to remember the order of the planets? Try to use it now without Pluto...does it make sense?! I think NOT!
And why is 'mnemonic' spelled 'mnemonic'?

posted by em @ 7:59 PM,
6 Bowls of Rice:
- At 9:34 PM, shouted...
OMG! wow. that's completely upsetting. i actually read the entire article i was in so much shock. this ruins everything. and before i read your mnemonic statement, i thought the same thing to myself. poor kids in elementary school. what will they do? they're going to need new text books! sigh... i refuse to give in.
- At 1:49 AM, shouted...
I actually received a NY Times email news alert about the reclassificaton of Pluto this afternoon.
I think Pluto needs a party to make it feel a bit better about its demotion. What do you think? Margaritas all around.... - At 10:50 AM, dutchie shouted...
yeahh I've heard about this too on the news yesterday. Sounds kinda weird saying Pluto is a dwarf planet now. Couldn't they just let it be what it is and call it a planet?! Since they were calling it a planet anyway since 1930. Kids in schools need new books now, saying that there are only eight planets instead of nine! That's just weird, since we all learned that there are nine planets in our solar system. At least it was until they announced the news yesterday...
- At 6:07 AM, Chazza shouted...
Aussie Cast no. 10 is up!!!
- At 5:35 AM, shouted...
heyyy em...when is your next podcast????..Ag
- At 5:36 AM, shouted...
P.S. did you cut your hair!!!!..Ag