Session 9
Thursday, July 06, 2006
It's still an all new podcast! Session 9, full of pointless rambling and some music for ya!

posted by em @ 10:46 PM,
23 Bowls of Rice:
- At 11:03 PM, LBaller shouted...
I'm listening now
- At 11:11 PM, Vicky aka mngg shouted...
::Downloading:: off I can stay up late listening to casts..yay!
:) - At 12:02 AM, LBaller shouted...
great music! I thought the opening song was andre 3000 till you said otherwise.
I slept with a stuffed koala bear that I sadly still sleep with.
The last time I went roller skating 4 year olds were skating around me too.
You know what I hate (I know you didn't ask for this) I hate those kids with those damn skate shoes. I want to push them over so bad. I have pushed one and made it seem like they ran into me. The kid got in trouble :) - At 12:04 AM, shouted...
It's Thursday (barely still), but I did hope to find a new podcast from you... YES!
Must say, I greatly appreciate you sharing your music. You have an incredible talent! - At 12:38 AM, heinzer shouted...
I came to your blog yesterday and saw that there was no podcast and was a little sad, but then realized that it was only Wednesday.
It is downloaded and I will be falling asleep to your lovely voice. Thank you and goodnight :) - At 1:43 AM, shouted...
Oh, goodie, glad I stopped by your Blog Em and found your new podcast.
These days I'm trying to listen on my walk... - At 9:19 AM, shouted...
I have a Snoopy (that's actually grey, not white) whom my mom said I used to sleep with in my crib and was a gift on the day I was born. But it was kinda big, so as I grew, it moved out of my bed and into another area where my other stuffed toys are. But I had a bunch of smaller ones lined up next to me on my bed (my bed was against the wall). I loved it. Although my mom blames them for my asthma problems. Hehe.
I don't sleep with stuffed animals anymore, tho.
Anyway, awesome cast as usual, and great song!! :)
I'll try to see if I can come up with questions and send them to you.
Have a good weekend, Em! - At 9:48 AM, em shouted...
lballer: no shame in sleeping with your cuddly koala! and i agree about those damn skate!
vicky: glad you're listening...but please get some sleep! hehe
stella: hope you made it to work on time!
trillium: thanks!
devon: awww...i'm not much of a baker, but i'll bake you a cake. betty crocker will have to assist me.
heinzer: i tried to record on wednesday night and put it up, but got in a little too late. so i put it up last night...rushing to get it done before thursday ended. hope you're doing well!
minnie: walks and podcasts...great combo!
addie: aww...snoopy. gotta love him.
thanks for sharing, everyone! have a great friday! - At 1:45 PM, amg shouted...
Remember Gund bears? Are they still around? That was my first teddy bear .. ever .. it was white .. and now it's grey. There was a little tear just under its chin and I used to hide my marbles in there. And any money I got from relatives.
I got this huge stuffed tiger as a gift when I was in college. I slept with that. I used it as an extra pillow.
Another cool cast, em! Cool songs!
Yay! It's friday! - At 2:22 PM, dutchie shouted...
Great podcast usual ;)!!
Haha I had to laugh when I heard the firework story of you and your brother lighting your neighbour's yard on fire :D. Omg...were you like grounded after that??
Ok back to your question about having stuffed animals. Yesss I had a lil' pink bear (yeahh how cute :D) next to my pillow when I was little. It was totally my fav. stuffed animal. But I think the pink bear is in the attic now in a box stuffed away in the corner. Yess I grew out of it :)!
I do however have a Cartman doll (you know from South Park) in my room @ the moment. Yeahh somebody gave it to me a couple of years ago and it's still here :). But I'm not sleeping with it, it's just sitting in my room in a corner. Because I still like to watch South Park :D! And I think Cartman is tha best ;)!!
Anyway hope you are having a nice day and have a good weekend ;)! - At 3:08 PM, Hopelessly Tangled shouted...
Great podcast as always. I liked the song you sang. I don't think it matters what kind of song it is or who the original singer is you always do a fantastic job.
As for the stuffed animal question... My all time favorite stuffed animal is a dog named Le Mutt. I got him when I was 5. He went everywhere with me and I slept with him for a long time. I still consider him to be one of my most prized possessions. I don't sleep with him anymore but he is in a drawer in my nightstand so in case of a fire while I sleep I can grab him and get out of the house. How pathetic is that?
Anyway, I'll try to think up some questions for you and email them to you. Have a great weekend. - At 10:15 PM, shouted...
gday em...excellent podcast..thanks for answering my questions..i will email you some more...when i was little i used to take a pillowcase to bed...i wasn't into dolls either...setting the neighbours lawn on fire lol...fireworks are banned here ..but people still let them off..great music...enjoy your weekend.....Ag
- At 10:56 PM, shouted...
I totally forgot yesterday was thursday but I listened to your podcast and it was awesome as always.
I don't think I ever slept with a stuffed animal but I do cuddle a small pillow when i sleep. Dolls freaked me out! I always thought they would come alive especially those life size barbies.
A few random questions for you:
1. What is your favorite genre of music?
2. Are you a t-shirt and jeans kinda girl or a girl that likes to get all dressed up or other?
3. Do you own a pair of chucks/converse? If so, what color?
4. Do you like the taste of licking envelopes? YUCK!
Thanks for a great podcast. Can't wait till next week. Have a rockin' weekend! - At 2:50 AM, LBaller shouted...
Hey em, i gotta shoe skater today :) He didn't know what hit him.
The new CaliLove cast is up too - At 9:34 AM, em shouted...
amg: gund bears? are those the plushy, soft bears? awww...hiding cute!
dutchie: we were never really 'grounded' because the asian folks didn't really know what that was. we sure did get a nice whoopin'! and they were pretty mad for a while. however, that neighbor's yard was the greenest and prettiest yard in the whole neighborhood the following spring. they held no resentment towards us. hehe
ht: awww....le mutt. that's cute!
ag: just a pillow case? nothing in it? ( a pillow? j/k)hehe
abs: yes! that's what i'm talking about! my cousin had like a 3-foot doll under her bed, scared the bejesus out of me! and the more 'realistic' the doll looks, the freakier i think they are. hehe
thanks for the questions!
lballer: muhahahaha....way to go! that's 1000 points, and an extra 500 for him not seeing it coming! going to download the cast now.
hope everyone enjoys their saturday!!! - At 11:26 AM, Aussie girl shouted...
awww you found kermit..hehe...yes a pillowcase thats i have graduated to cuddle a pillow ha..
Another random question do you like jello/jelly..
If you were down to your last $20 what would you spend it on??
Who would be your ultimate singer/guitar player to see on stage??
What actor would you most like to meet and spend the day with?? ...Ag - At 7:54 AM, shouted...
Hi Em!
nice podcast ^_^
when I was little I didn´t used to sleep with anything, I still don´t like to sleep with a pillow!
but since I have a dog, my dog sleep under my bed, I don´t like that because sometimes he dreams and make noises, but I can´t get it out of my bedroom because he start to cry :( and he´s sooo cute!
Have a good weekend! - At 9:54 AM, shouted...
Apologies for being late on listening to your podcast and commenting.
I sleep with my iPod these days, but I admit it isn't as cuddly as Curious George who once sleep with me for years and years. George still has an honored place on a shelf in my bedroom.
Rollerskating? Good memories of going skating with my best friend when I was kid. Last time I rollerskated as an adult at a rink, I fell down and tore a good pair of slacks.
Fireworks? My Dad would give us firecrackers to set off...supervised of course. My Mom would close all the windows in the house and stick her fingers in her ears.
Thanks for all the music.... - At 10:41 AM, shouted...
Em, I posted a picture of my Curious George on my blog for you today.
- At 5:06 PM, wonga shouted...
I actually still have this polar bear with a red bowtie sitting on my bed. I had him since I was three and used to cuddle with him when I was a kid. My mom has tried to get rid of it numerous times but she didn't succeed.
Once again, I loved the music ;).
Have a good week!! - At 5:58 PM, PeanutButterWolf shouted...
i didn't comment on the last cast but i want to say that i like the smell of wood and books (need not matter if it is new or old).
M.I.A. is the shit! (sorry for my french) Love her!! Great song selection.
I never used to cuddle with stuffed animals. As much as I tried, the stuffed animal would end up kicked at a corner.
As always Em, I tip my hat to you and your skills ;) - At 11:46 PM, shouted...
- At 5:08 AM, shouted...
Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »