A True Friend
Monday, July 10, 2006

Well, I did it. I finally came out to a good friend of mine. It had been eating me up that I hadn't told her. We've been friends since high school, and she probably knows more about me than most people in my life. We always talked about our hopes, dreams, insecurities, problems, fears, and everything else. So it was tough holding back on her and not telling her what has been happening in my life. We try to catch up on things every weekend, and lately I found myself not having anything to say because the events of my life have been so gay.
Needless to say, she took it very well. She said that it didn't matter, that it didn't change things between us, and that she supports me. It was great. Even though we don't live near each other any more, I can still count on her. She even said that she had wondered about it through the years. Whenever we would talk, she noticed that I hadn't talked about boy crushes, boyfriends, etc. But she didn't give it too much thought since we were both friends with the little rugby player, who was giving off more of the gay vibe. =)
So we ended up talking for hours about this and that, and it felt comfortable. She isn't one to judge, and I'm grateful that she's such an accepting friend. I don't know why I had been so scared to tell her all these years. Maybe I just didn't want to lose her as a friend...but that wouldn't have happened. Ahhh...the overdrawn fears we have within ourselves.
We did discuss the parentals. She knows my parents and knows just about all the arguments and issues I've had with them over the years. She advised me not to tell them yet, which I hadn't planned on doing anyway. She said to wait until I have finished school, found a decent job, and moved far (FAR) away. Sounds like my plan. Nonetheless, I'm glad that I have taken another step in this course leading me out of the closet. It feels good, and it's a little brighter when you're closer to the door....I recommend it to others!
posted by em @ 8:18 AM,
21 Bowls of Rice:
- At 9:13 AM, shouted...
Congrats, Em!
Your friend sounds wonderful. And I'm so glad you could talk with her. And that there is light shining in the closet door.
A big hug for you, Minnie xo - At 10:45 AM, Chazza shouted...
Em congrats, thatz great to hear and I am so happy for you. It is great to have freinds who are supportive no matter what. Another step closer. Congrats and big hugs to you! Hope ur well.
- At 10:57 AM, shouted...
Yay! Congratulations!
It sure does feel good, and good friends are awesome, aren't they? Hehe.
Hee...I'm all smiling now for you. =D Congrats again! - At 11:06 AM, dutchie shouted...
That's great Em...congrats :D!! And your friend is awesome for responding the way that she did :)! Even though you two don't live near eachother, it's always good to know that you can still count on her no matter what ;)!
- At 11:15 AM, shouted...
Congratulations Em! That's awesome. I'm proud of you!
- At 11:42 AM, amg shouted...
- At 1:58 PM, LBaller shouted...
- At 4:37 PM, MC shouted...
- At 4:57 PM, wonga shouted...
Em, that's so awesome. Congrats!!
- At 9:13 PM, em shouted...
thanks, you guys!
good friend are awesome! and so are great blogging buddies!!!
hugs and kisses to all! - At 10:10 PM, shouted...
congratulations :)
- At 12:29 PM, Kai shouted...
YAY for you!!! Congrats!
Plus, I love the picture of your closet! :-) - At 2:36 PM, em shouted...
hahaha...i just noticed the news fader on the forum.
- At 2:40 PM, shouted...
I was just wondering if you saw the news fader on the forum today...you saw it!
- At 10:07 PM, Vicky aka mngg shouted...
Wonderful news..so so so proud of you!!!!
Loving the new look blog too..very swish!!! - At 11:34 PM, Kai shouted...
Oh! I saw the news fader too on the forum! I busted out laughing! You're famous girl! YAY for you!!!
Thanks again for the music! :-)
xoxo - At 12:14 AM, s:onthego shouted...
congrats on coming out....
finally i catch up to your last podcast. sorry i'm behind in most of them. and i must say i am so late but one of the smells i like is plastic, ink, and new cars scents, lol.
and i never had a stuffed animal but i have a blankie that i made myself, and yeah i take it with me.
love the music in your podcast and next time i'll try to post earlier. - At 12:20 AM, s:onthego shouted...
ohh sorry for the double post but your new layout is soo nice.
- At 1:54 PM, PeanutButterWolf shouted...
congrats em!! that's awesome. :D
- At 8:36 PM, seymour shouted...
Good for you em!
- At 12:26 PM, Chazza shouted...
Aussie Cast no. 8 is up!!!