Looking for a New Do
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
It's about time for me to get a new hair cut. I've been growing out my hair for over a year, and I finally have the 10 inches needed to donate (and then some). I've always had a plain look...mostly hair just cut even with an occasional layer or two. I haven't had much fun with my straight, black hair. But this time, I'm thinking about going for something different and wild. There's still debate about whether or not I should go for short- or medium-length. A friend of mine says I should go for a fohawk...that way, I don't really have to shave off the sides. However, it probably just screams, "dyke!", and the girlfriend is not a fan. I'm probably not bold enough to sport one anyway!
So, I'm reaching out to the Kelkians. Do you have any suggestions about haircuts? It should be somewhat low-maintenance and in the middle- to short-length range. Pictures would be kindly appreciated!

posted by em @ 3:15 PM,
8 Bowls of Rice:
- At 8:15 PM, Kai shouted...
I totally think you should get it cut like that baby in the picture!!!! ;-)
Unfortunately, I don't have any cool suggestions. I cut 11 inches off my hair and donated it (and I think it's great you're doing that!!)... and basically just ended up with a shorter version of my original hair cut. But, it's easier to maintain!
How about a Shane, season 1, look? Or Alice?
Let us know what you decide!
PS - Sweet - 1st comment! - At 12:07 AM, jodi.2 shouted...
Whoo Em! I donated 10 inches of my hair as well a few months ago. Kelka bless urban dictionary for that fohawk... just make sure you don't pull a Dumb and Dumber styles bowl-cut... and look up hair dont... but strive to be the Em of the hairacter actor.
Warning: when they continue chopping after cutting the 10 inches off, you are allowed to say "STOP!!" Bring your own trafic light/sign/your "STOP!!!" method of choice, if necessary. - At 2:43 AM, shouted...
you should rock a hair cut like Jackie from the show Work Out. That would be awesome!
- At 5:26 AM, shouted...
gday em...great to donate your hair...well if you go medium and you decide to go shorter later its still possible (better safe than sorry :o ) I agree with Kai..the Shane and Alice look is cute...low maintenance is always good...have fun deciding..Ag :)
- At 9:10 AM, Chazza shouted...
Shit I though my haircute was original and now look wat happened?? Damn baby! Awwww that baby is too cute to be mad at. Anywayz I have short hair and I love it I got it cute like this:
Even if u can't be fucked looking at the hair look at the pic, therez a lil surprise peeking out! hahaha.
Have a good day... let us know how you get it cut! - At 5:46 PM, shouted...
Golly, I'm not a good one to give hair advice. But I like a little mid-length bob on someone who is getting her longer hair cut.
I let my young punk haircutter go a little crazy on me this summer and chop it almost all off like a boy cut...so now I'm in the growing out process for the next couple of months. No scissors will be coming near me for a while, except for a little trim..hah!
Good luck! - At 5:47 PM, shouted...
P.S. If you do go shorter, I also like Jackie's hair from the TV Show Workout....
- At 11:25 AM, em shouted...
def no bowl-cut for me! jackie's hair is really cool...but i dunno if i could do it justice. hmmm...one more day to think about it.
chazza....wowza! thanks for the pic! hehe