Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Some of my friends complained that my apartment is dull and boring. They said it needed more life. So I finally gave in and got a plant (one step away from a fish!). I got my first plant around Thanksgiving, a nice narcissus. The gf and I named it Lilly (for some odd reason), and I took very care of her. But a narcissus is a bulb (a type of daffodil), so it doesn't last too long. But that sucker grew to almost 2 feet! Here's a picture of Lilly:

Winter rolled around, and we decided to get another plant. We ended up getting a daffodil since it was so pretty. This time, we named her Daphne (possibly a more suitable name). Daphne was in a shallow pot so she didn't last very long (and didn't have as many flowers as Lilly did...not that I have a first-child preference or anything. Lilly was just more vibrant). So here's an early pic of our second child, Daphne:

Now, I think it's time to make a bigger commitment. A plant that lasts more than a couple of months may be the next step. Any recommendations? I was thinking...cactus (but that may be copping out).
posted by em @ 1:51 PM,