Some Faith
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Ballots were cast yesterday in this nation. Most of the votes are in and tallied. The results have restored some faith I have in the American public...but not all.
The Democrats were able to regain control of the House (and possibly the Senate), providing Nancy Pelosi with a new title. To tell you the truth, I think she's a little crazy...but I guess all politicians are in some way. She'll probably be better for the country than Dennis Hastert.
I'm really happy that my friend's uncle was elected to represent a district in Pennsylvania. I'm sure he'll make a fine congressman. And maybe now I can see this particular friend who's been slaving over the campaign for the past year.
South Dakotans made their voices heard and overturned the abortion ban the state had enacted (and that had scared the bejeeezus out of me...'cause it's an important right for women to be able to choose...and I have a whorish friend from that state).
Some states restricted the power of the government via eminent domain. This was a hot topic during my work in New Orleans.
Now for the downer: Eight states voted on whether or not to propose an amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Seven states have voted YES to this, while Arizona looks like it voted NO (by a slim margin). Colorado even said No to Domestic Partnership. It really upsets me that people want to take it this far...probably not knowing or understanding that same-sex relationships are just as meaningful as heterosexual ones. ::sigh::
Oh is what it is, but hopefully things will begin to change soon. I'm glad the elections are over with. Maybe some of this mudslinging will halt. It's really getting messy out there. And, of course, they'll have exploited and underpaid workers come to clean it up. Isn't America great?!

posted by em @ 11:49 AM,
1 Bowls of Rice:
- At 8:30 AM, shouted...
just droppin' by to say hi. have a good week!